
Tryptoneisageneral-purposegrowthpeptoneusedasanitrogensourceinculturemediaformulatedforisolatingandcultivatingfastidiousand ...,Tryptoneisapancreaticdigestofcaseincontainingallaminoacidsfoundincaseinaswellaslargerpeptidefractions.Thisproductisrecommendedforpreparingmediawhereenzymatichydrolysedcaseinisdesired.,Product:Tryptoneisapancreaticdigestofcaseinandassuchcomposedofamixtureofaminoacids,i...

Tryptone (vegetable) for microbiology 100209-45

Tryptone is a general-purpose growth peptone used as a nitrogen source in culture media formulated for isolating and cultivating fastidious and ...

Tryptone (Ingredient) for microbiology

Tryptone is a pancreatic digest of casein containing all amino acids found in casein as well as larger peptide fractions. This product is recommended for preparing media where enzymatic hydrolysed casein is desired.


Product: Tryptone is a pancreatic digest of casein and as such composed of a mixture of amino acids, including essential amino acids, and larger peptides.


由 M TEST 著作 · 被引用 2 次 — Tryptone is a pancreatic digest of casein containing all amino acids found in casein as well as larger peptide fractions. It is an excellent.

T8750 Tryptone (BSE

Tryptone is a specially formulated enzymatic digest of casein, similar to Peptone from gelatin. It is used to supply higher growth rates when used in molecular ...

Tryptone Water

Indole can be detected with KOVACS Indole. Reagent. Typical Composition (g/litre). Peptone from casein 10.0; sodium chloride 5.0. Preparation. Suspend 15 g ...

Tryptone - an overview

Tryptone. Terrific Broth is composed of 12 g tryptone, 24 g yeast extract, 4 ... composition of the medium used. In the research mentioned earlier the ...

Laboratory PreparationsBiological ... - Oxoid

Tryptone is a pancreatic digest of casein. It can be used in any formulation where a pancreatic or tryptic digest of casein is specified. Casein is the main ...